
Swatts Portrait 2.

The scarf has been adjusted and the glove has been painted over to correct the values and draw the viewer's eye to the face. I've posted the full image to my site, so I won't repeat it here. Instead, I have enlarged scans of some of the areas from the painting that I like, for different reasons.

The simplicity of the buttons and the use of the underlying texture are all things that just fall into place here, against the expression of the paint in the lines of the jacket.

The way the dark yellow-green of the arm and the black bag becomes silhouetted against the warm-tinted concrete is so simple and effective. I also just enjoy the edges and the ground showing through the paint, adding texture to the paint.

The figure in the background is only paint-strokes, fully describing a person against the wall. Nothing more is needed.

The face fought me, as I painted it, scraped it off, and painted it again over and over, to good results. I really like the accidental yellow-green over her shoulder into the subway platform.

Closer up on the eye.

And my favorite part, although I can't really explain why, is the hair to the left of her face, against the blue support. Purely effortless.